Cuddly Comfort in Arizona
Daniel Greene and Staci Starlight exhibit the comfort of Cuddlist Cuddle Therapy. Click on the image for the full blog post.
*This blog was originally posted on
Cuddlist & Co-Host of T&A Talk Sex Podcast, Christina reviews Virtual Cuddling in her follow up interview with Johnny Bananas.
Self Care – A Practitioner’s Voice
By Alyssa, a Cuddlist Trained Practitioner in Irvine, California.
We as practitioners have a duty to focus on and learn how to take great care of ourselves. Self care is what creates the space for trust, respect, honesty, vulnerability, and intimacy, and (as Madelon has said) it is the foundation on which we each build our own boundaries.
If I’m not maintaining the best possible self-care I’m doing...
Cuddlist Client Case Study | Practitioner: Madelon Guinazzo
Cuddlist Client Case Study
Practitioner: Madelon Guinazzo
1. Doug (not his real name) is a 58 yo white male. He has a bachelor's degree with technical training and is employed full time with benefits as a help desk agent. He is divorced with no children and currently lives alone.
2. Doug presented with an issue of having acted on a craving for human touch by going to the only place he knew of to g...
Cuddlist In the New Decade: Looking Forward With 2020 Vision
Dear Cuddlist Community,
Cuddle therapy continues to grow as a vibrant modality and Cuddlist is at the leading edge as the brand name to be trusted and respected. We continue to improve the quality of our brand name with the standards that we are bringing to it. Cuddlist continues to focus on empowerment, consent, choice and the therapeutic value to the client. We believe this has a positive impact on...
A Trauma Survivor’s Experience with his Cuddlist
Testimonial from a Client of Madelon Guinazzo, Cuddlist Co-Founder and Director of Training:
I am a survivor of early childhood sexual trauma. I’m a 58-year-old man. There have been many other traumatic experiences in my life, but those first ones set the stage for my ability to form attachments with other people.
I’m writing this to the other survivors out there that might come across this blog an...
The Power of Unconditional Positive Regard
From Madelon Guinazzo, Cuddlist C0-Founder and Director of Training:
The other day a client was describing the value of what they receive from me and they used a phrase that struck me deeply and has stuck with me. They said, “You give me a place to say the things that hurt to have unsaid”. Yes! There are things that become unburdened by being given a voice and a witness to hear them. It has absolutel...
A Client Review of Cuddlist vs Other Cuddle Websites
Recently, here at Cuddlist headquarters, we received an email from a client, sharing their experience with Cuddlist compared to other cuddle websites, after having received sessions with numerous practitioners. We really appreciated their feedback and thought we’d share.
Cuddlist is the best and most awesomest company. I have met a lot of Cuddlist practitioners from this company and they are all very ...
When Does “Client Led” Matter and Why?
By Michelle Renee, San Diego Cuddlist Certified Practitioner and Director of Cuddlist Care
Please note: I have the consent of my client to share about our work together, though I will not be sharing much detail, it was still important for me to have their consent.
As a Cuddlist Certified Touch Practitioner, one of the pillars of our agreements with our clients is that it is THEIR session. As the p...
Understanding Whiteness + Deconstructing the Illusion of White Guilt
Welcome! We are glad you are here! Cuddlist is pleased to provide this significant training material to the public. Inclusivity and diversity are an important part of the movement that Cuddlist represents. Thank you for your interest in this important conversation.
Earlier this year, invited our Cuddlist practitioners in membership to participate in an important conversation: "Understand...
Introducing the Therapy Community to Cuddlist via Psychnetworker
By Michelle Renee, San Diego Cuddlist Certified Practitioner and Director of Cuddlist Care
I sat in almost every session thinking, “How does this affect me? How does this affect my relationship? How does this affect my children? How does this affect my clients?”
My mind was in so many places. I’m so glad I made an attempt to “live tweet” my experience last week attending my first Psych...
Therapist Testimonial: Shelley Pier, LCSW
I am an LCSW specializing in trauma, specifically sexual violence. I’m currently in private practice and have been practicing for over 15 years in various settings relating to serving sexual assault survivors and their significant others. I had known about Cuddlist thanks to an informational video I had watched years ago. I was intrigued, from a personal standpoint, and kept the infor...
Cuddlist Corner: Sherri Answers the Questions You Would Like to Know About Her
What makes Cuddlist so special are our practitioners who come from such a wide range of backgrounds. Each of them have different motivations when it comes to what drove them to Cuddlist, and each of their stories are special in their own ways. We think the best way for you to get a good sense of what we do is to get to know our practitioners.
Sherri Rogers, one of our practitioners from Grand Rapids a...
Cuddlist Corner: Nellie Answers Questions to Get to Know Her
Many of our practitioners become a part of Cuddlist because they want everyone to feel seen, heard, and cared for. Many also have a background in massage therapy and coaching that gives them a special compliment as a part of our team. That is the case with Nellie.
Nellie is one of our practitioners from Florence, MA who has a background in massage, coaching, and integrative health, who wants others to...
Milwaukee’s Only Cuddlist Explains What It Means To Be A Professional Cuddler
Cuddlist, Denise Loveridge, spoke with Lake Effect's Joy Powers on WUWM, the NPR station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
You can listen and learn more here.
Click here to see Denise's profile and request a session.
Become a Professional Cuddle Coach
Kirsten Jense is a Cuddlist-in-Training. This is an excerpt with translation of her blog post from her business website.
Hugging as a Profession
My wish was always that connection and platonic touch would be accessible and available to everyone; and well trained, sweet, and cuddly coaches are needed for that to be accomplished!
Do you have the idea to become a professional cuddler or cuddle coach y...
Cuddlist Corner: Ella’s Experiences with Cuddlist and More
Many of our practitioners are also educators, which gives them the opportunity to teach others about the boundaries we put on others and why consent is critical when it comes to a Cuddlist session. This has also given them the ability to make a difference in other people’s lives in the past.
Ella, one of our practitioners from New York, NY, has had experience with teaching for thirteen years which...
How Learning About Cuddlist’s LGBTQ+ Community Has Helped Me Feel More Empowered
Nicolette Cetrulo
Throughout the month of June, Pride month, I have been helping Adam write blog posts about Cuddlist’s impact on the LGBTQ+ community, along with seeing blog posts from other Cuddlists about their experiences working with LGBTQ+ clients. Even though I am just an intern, Cuddlist has given me my own platform to use my voice.
As a pansexual woman, I always felt invisible when dis...
Cuddlist + Cuddle Sanctuary: A Great Team
(Cuddlist Michelle Renee discusses the session she gave a Cuddle Sanctuary trainee.)
Since Cuddle Sanctuary and Cuddlist formed a relationship, I’ve had the privilege of knowing many professional cuddlers trained by Cuddle Sanctuary who are now crossovers as Cuddlists. Once someone is trained through Cuddle Sanctuary, they have the option to go through Cuddlist training for free. All of them have a v...
How a Cuddlist Session Can Help Overcome Shyness
By Nicolette Cetrulo
Last week I listened in on one of the weekly Cuddlist practitioner calls between Anna Joy, Michelle, Jenat, and Brianna. At one point, someone was sharing about recent experiences with introverted clients, and it got me thinking about how a Cuddlist session can help someone overcome shyness. This spoke to me, as I am someone who is on the introverted side.
I asked Michelle abou...
Gay Pride Month: What it Means to Co-Founder Adam Lippin
by Adam Lippin
In 2007, the New York Times wrote a story on my family, which included my husband and our son, who was 3 ½ at the time ( We were a gay couple in suburbia with a child, and eleven years ago, that was considered news. In my past life, as founder of a chain of chicken wings restaurants (, I was ...
Cuddlist: Supporting People through Transitions
I recently started working with a transgender client who had top surgery several
months ago. They came to me wanting to explore receiving touch in their newly
changed body. It’s been an honor to provide a safe space for them to explore what
kinds of touch feel good and to see them grow in confidence around identifying and
then asking for what they want.
There is still a lot of incompetence around ...
Not Only Men are Booking Sessions with a Professional Cuddlist
By Adam Lippin
Everyone, regardless of gender, requests a session with a Cuddlist practitioner for different reasons. They answer an unmet need for human contact and connection within every human - within every being.
Lately, more of our client requests are from women or female-bodied people. While each one is different, we noticed a common thread from these. They feel touch deprived, they are emo...
LGBTQ + Pride and Cuddlist
This month is Gay Pride month, and we will be highlighting our LGBT+ Cuddlist practitioners and their clients. Here’s a video that is so beautiful, between a queer Cuddlist and a genderfluid client. This will illustrate the safety, warmth, and compassion of a professional cuddling session with a Cuddlist practitioner. We dare you to watch this video without being moved and touched.
What is a Feminist College Student Doing Interning at a Professional Cuddling Company?
By Nicolette Cetrulo
To me, the importance of having agency in the choices I make is a cornerstone of what feminism is. Boundaries and consent are, therefore, key topics. In my internship with Cuddlist, I have come to discover that their values, while not explicitly being labeled “feminist,” align perfectly with mine. The Cuddlist mission empowers both the practitioner and their clients to adhere to c...
I’m Already a Professional Cuddler – Why Should I Become a Cuddlist?
By Adam Lippin, Nicolette Cetrulo
In order to grow, develop, and sharpen your skills in any aspect of your life, it is beneficial to have a mentoring and support system. At Cuddlist, under the guidance of the co-founder and architect of our training program, Madelon Guinazzo, we bring something unique and valuable into the professional cuddling space.
We start with the premise that all of us are e...
Interview with Shanna Marie and Her Client
By Adam Lippin, Nicolette Cetrulo
Cuddlist recently met with a Brazilian TV station which interviewed me (Adam), Shanna Marie, and one of Shanna’s clients (anonymous). The reporter was asking Shanna’s client, “what do you get out of a session with her?”
The way the client responded brought tears to my eyes: “For the first time in many years, I felt ‘human.’ I felt a sense of being lovingly embra...
Why Cuddlists Maintain the Highest Standards of Quality
By Adam Lippin, Nicolette Cetrulo
Let’s, for a moment, think about how people once thought about psychiatry, acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga. When these were introduced, they were met with a lot of skepticism. Consider also when online dating started, and people were embarrassed to admit they met someone through an online dating site.
At one point or another, every great invention and movem...
“Why Do I Have to Pay to Become a Cuddlist? I Already Know How to Cuddle!”
At Cuddlist, we don’t teach you how to cuddle. Our training program is about empowering you to model actions and behaviors imbued with consent, radical acceptance, an understanding that providing boundaries is a loving gesture and an invitation to discover one’s best self. By being very clear in what we are saying “yes” or “no” to and empowering our clients to make choices themselves, we model consent in...
Cuddlist: A Bigger Impact than Imaginable
At Cuddlist, we encourage our clients as we encourage ourselves to be our best selves. We embody consent, boundaries, empowerment and radical acceptance. Our clients express a feeling of “humanness” that can only be experienced to be understood. The loving presence in which the session is held is powerful and our clients walk away from a session with a greater sense of connectedness, love, and acceptance...
Common Cuddling Questions, Answered – by Mary Sorensen
A great read for more and less experienced Cuddlists thinking through their own ever evolving answers.
So, you've heard of cuddling and you have questions, right?
Let me address a few of the most common questions and concerns in a quick low down.
I would never cuddle a stranger!
I am not asking or expecting you to cuddle with a stranger. I don't cuddle with strangers either! Is that a surpri...
Supporting Grief
Clients come to Cuddlists for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which being to receive hands-on comfort support in grief. A Cuddlist seeks to bring a conscious, attentive approach in showing up for someone in emotional pain. Cuddlists aren't therapists: but we may be therapeutic, and as fellow humans showing up fully with our individual Medicines of Presence, what a gift we hold.
Grief is never...
Prescription: Cuddles
Though the need babies have for touch is research backed, research on the adult need for touch is still be amalgamating, floating vaguely in the “unknown, untested hypothesis” stage waiting for full digestion by the greater scientific community. But the constancy with which Cuddlist practitioners receive deeply positive feedback is enough to build up undeniable confidence in the potency of the healing wo...
Abelism and Cuddling
Today I wanted to start unpacking the concepts of ableism and accessibility.
For people who have never either experienced disability or having a chronic illness, or have never supported someone who does, accessibility is most likely something you’ve never had to think about. Part of living in an ableist society is that it’s taken for granted that you can go inside a building with stairs, walk down the...
Nourishing our Inner Child through Cuddling
By Nellie Wilson
What kind of touch did you most enjoy or most want as a little kid?
I’m talking about between infancy to around five years old. Do you remember any of that time in your life and what kind of touch you received? Maybe you had really affectionate family members and received lots of touch like hugs and snuggles, back scratches, or having your hair stroked. Maybe your childhood was lac...
Why men do not cuddle with other men
Adam Lippin
Since time immemorial, men have been told that cuddling is for ‘wusses’ and ‘weak’ men (transliterated to reflect modern vernacular). In fact, so deep-seated is this belief that for most of the 20th century, at least, most men have eschewed the very concept of cuddling other men for fear of being thought of as effeminate or overtly ‘feminine.’
Culture and Perceptions:
What’s Feminine About Cu...
Why tech CEOs need touch
Adam Lippin
The power of touch can go a long way and this is not necessarily limited to one’s unique personality .
Due to the stressful nature of their work, Tech CEOs or leaders require need, as research that it hepls in breaking down the barriers between employers in an organisation.
When looking at professional or corporate environments, people promoted to a position of leadership such as CEO, tend to avoid...
Stigma with Cuddling?
Adam Lippin
Cuddling is one of the most fundamental forms of affection shown by humans, and which allow us to not only create bonds built also nurture a feeling of safety and security.
Is there any stigma with cuddling?
Yes, there is and this is due to various cultural and traditional practices among many communities.
Cuddling as an activity is not just restricted to people but is also observed in animals ...
December 2017 – A New Approach to Sexual Harassment Training
A New Approach to Sexual Harassment Training
By: Adam Lippin and Kassandra Brown
Many companies offer sexual harassment training but there’s limited research to show that the training is working regardless of the industry. In fact, some trainings have been shown to have negative consequences.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reports that as many as 75% women have experienced ...
Cuddles for technies
By: Adam Lippin and Kassandra Brown
When Arun (not his real name) was feeling lonely and touch deprived he didn’t look for a quick hook-up or use a dating site. Instead he connected with a Certified Professional Cuddler through “I have a family at home and a woman I intend to marry.
I’m not looking for sex. But I miss touch. I want to feel good - less lonely and more connected.”
November 2017 – Cuddlist and Veterans
Cuddlist and Veterans
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that PTSD afflicts: Almost 31 percent of Vietnam veterans. As many as 10 percent of Gulf War (Desert Storm) veterans. 11 percent of veterans of the war in Afghanistan.
Emotional Benefits
Promotes calmness, connection, and self-esteem. Builds friendship, intimacy, stability, trust, and
Validates th...
October 2017 – Cuddlist and the Elderly
Cuddlist and the Elderly
October 2017
In a study performed by Dr. Holt-Lunstad, controlling for a multitude of possible confounding variables, social isolation, loneliness, and living alone was linked to an average 29%, 26%, and 32% increase in the likelihood of mortality respectively. The conclusions of this study are concerning and yet are supported by research and are considered well-estab...
How not to be a creep at work in a Post-Harvey world.
By Adam Lippin and Madelon Guinazzo
In a post-Harvey Weinstein world, many men are saying, “That’s not me, I’m not that guy. You can trust me.” but many men (and women too) still don’t know how to act to create relationships of respect and trust between equals. As Co-Founder’s of and as Cuddle Party facilitator’s, we truly believe that, if these two steps were part of our culture, perhaps...
Consent: Why it’s important for everyone to learn it
By Rukiya Reed
I was 5 years old when the teenage son of a family friend caught me alone and took advantage of me. This went on for a while before he had an epiphany that this wasn’t fun for the 5 year old that he was rubbing his member into, and suddenly I was free from the horror. I no longer had to cower in the corner trying to hide behind a counter so that he wouldn’t find me. It was over!
Oh, ...
Cuddlist Responds to Charlottesville Terror
Cuddlist condemns all forms of white supremacy, especially those that come in the form of violent hate groups such as those that instigated the recent events in Charlottesville, VA.
The perpetuating of a violent and racist culture is one of the most dangerous realities in the United States today. As people that promote the teaching of boundaries, respect, and compassion through nurturing touch, cuddli...
Disability and cuddling
Disability and Cuddling.It is a phenomenon that is rarely talked about, thus this month, Cuddlist was given a special opportunity to get an inner look on a session between one of our certified Cuddlists, Ilya, and her client Steve. Their sessions are particularly unique because Steve has spina bifida - a condition that hindered the growth of his spinal column at birth.'
As an adult who has a...
August 2017 – Disability and the Cuddlist
Disability and the Cuddlist
August 2017
Nurturing touch helps us feel connected to the human experience - a connection many people with disabilities have lacked throughout their lives. Steve has spina bifida - a defect in the growth of the spinal column at birth - causing him to experience functional and sensational difficulties. Before finding his Cuddlist, Ilya, he rarely experienced any touch apar...
July 2017- Cuddling Our Way Towards Wellness
Cuddling Our Way Towards Wellness
July 2017
“We’re wired to be gregarious, bonded creatures.
So the more tactile sensation there is in our world, the better we feel.”
-Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologist, Santa Rosa, California
We all understand that certain acts of human touch create deep and often profound feelings. As infants we crave the embrace of our parents, in fact all throughou...
Men, Intimacy and Power
In a recent article in the Good Men Project, Cuddlist Kassandra Brown explores the connections between intimacy and power, especially for men.
Responding to comments on the article, Kassandra adds to it with the following:
I believe in the innate goodness of humans that no one hurts for the fun of it. We hurt for the fear of it. No one inflicts pain when they are in a state of compassion and wholen...
Because Touch has a Big Shadow.
Cuddlist Kassandra Brown published the following article to help people get the touch they want and need without falling into touches big shadow.
Because Cuddlist sessions emphasize empowering each client to ask for what they want and to tolerate nothing that is uncomfortable, working with a Cuddlist is a great way to not only get the touch you want right now, but to learn to trust yourself and to tru...
When Did You Stop Hugging?
By Errol McLendon
We are born into a world of hugs and cuddles. Even as toddlers and young children, physical contact is welcomed and expected. In spite of those conditions, many people reach adulthood with reactions to hugs ranging from either slightly uncomfortable with human touch to outright avoidance of any sort of contact. If you fall into that “discomfort” range, can you remember when you stopp...
Cuddlist – A Career that Changes Lives
Here at Cuddlist, we emphasize the diversity of physical and psychological benefits of cuddling and often share meaningful client testimonies. While we take pride in how our professional non-sexual touch has helped transform our clients’ lives, we also work hard to ensure that our certified practitioners love every session. Today’s blog post spotlights a few of our dedicated Cuddlist practitioners, as th...
Give Mom the Gift of a Cuddle for Mother’s Day
By Adam Lippin
With Mother’s Day on the horizon, let’s take a look at 5 epic reasons why your mom/mummy/mommykins/mom-bot should have a session with a certified Cuddlist practitioner.
1) We all need a hug.
It’s been one of those days. You’ve done everything you can at work but still the boss insists on belittling you. Or the customers are just being super annoying and disrespectful. Or maybe you’r...
The Power of Trust
“New neural pathways have been created because of the level of touch I’ve experienced. I’m not thinking in the same way that I was a few months ago.” -Caleb
Caleb’s testimony exemplifies the spirit and mission of Cuddlist. His transformative experience with professional cuddlers positively impacted his mental and physical well being. Ultimately, Cuddlist helps people benefit from the power of ...
Adam Lippin’s Response to NY Post Article
I can't believe I am sharing an article from The NY Post but this speaks to what my core belief is: "Cuddling/Platonic Touch has the power to drastically improve our well being."
This state of mind is called “flow” or an “altered” or “non-ordinary state of consciousness” where “action and awareness start to merge." Our sense of self vanishes.
Our sense of time as well. All aspects of performance, both ...
Sterling Interview on 700 WLW
By Adam Lippin
By Adam Lippin
I was just interviewed by Sterling who hosts a radio talk show on 700WLW | Cincinnati | iHeartRadio.
Sterling is a great interviewer. He was coming from a place of healthy skepticism and really wanted to drill down and understand what Professional Cuddling and specifically what Cuddlists approach is.
If you have 10 min - please listen!
Cuddlist Talks
Is Cuddling Cheating?
What constitutes cheating?
One assumption to clear up is that people who come to see a Cuddlist are very committed to their partners. However, there are times when relationships become tense and difficult for whatever reason. We are not here to judge or to give advice. We are here to provide a safe place for you to experience touch and to break away from life's problems for just a little while.
A c...
My Story
By Bri Espindola
Years ago, I was in a bad way. My relationship at the time left me feeling lonely in a room full of people. You always hear about single people wanting to be with someone. Some people, being with them doesn’t fill that void you felt when you were single.
It was only years later when I realized that relationship was not only a mentally abusive one but one of skin-hunger. He worked odd hours often going o...
Response To: VOGUE’s “Is The Digital World Changing The Way We Feel About Physical Contact?”
Beautifully written and informative: Reads almost like poetry, yet scholarly and thoughtfully researched. For Cuddlist to discussed in this piece validates everything we stand for:
Which is creating a legitimate healing modally that has the power to significantly enhance lives.
What is so cool is (for me personally) is that this story quotes from an article in which Cuddlist was featured in t...
4 Qualities You Need In Order To Be A Cuddlist
In this episode of Cuddlist Talks we explore what it really takes to be a Cuddlist. These qualities are essential to your success as a Professional Cuddler and your success at understanding your own strengths and weaknesses that you might need to improve on. Here we break this down with four essential qualities as well as bonus qualities at the end. Enjoy!
Affection and Strength
If you come off as ...
The New Year: Resolutions and Self-Care
When thinking of the New Year we often are faced with New Year's Resolutions … to make them or not to make them, that is the question.
More often than not, there are the tried and true resolutions we fall back on; start a diet; read more; go back to school; write that novel; etc. When jotting down your resolutions, do you pause to consider how the New Year should include more self-care? If the answer i...
Response to Elite Daily: “Is Cuddling Cheating Or Is It Harmless?”
Interesting but I would like to add another point here. Professional cuddlers ( are trained and certified to to be active/compassionate listeners and 100% present for their client and keep strong boundaries.. What you are describing is your typical 20 something hetero relationship.
What about people who are dealing with trauma, anxiety, body image issues, divorce, loss etc. If you wid...
In the New Year, More Cuddling
Attending a cuddle party was one of my fear-conquering New Year’s resolutions for 2016. My other resolutions — I had a long list — included speed dating and taking a hike with a mountaineering club.
I never got around to speed dating or hiking, but by August I had worked up the courage to sign up for a cuddle party. And that’s how I found myself lying on a foam pad on a stranger’s floor with my head on ...
Cuddlist Talks
5 Essential Cuddling Hacks To Make You A Better Person
In this episode of Cuddlist Talks, we go over the 5 essential cuddling hacks to make you a better person. These tips will allow you to over time, develop a more physical and intimate experience with and gain a better sense of who you are.
Eyes are the window to the soul. Eyes are difficult to use in an intimate setting because it's one of the most vulnerable parts of who we are. "Sometimes I w...
Cuddlist Talks
How Cuddling can make YOU a Better Date
In this episode of Cuddlist Talk, we explore how experiencing Professional Cuddling can make you a much better date. The dating world is extremely tough and sometimes we all wished we knew how to navigate through all of the signals, the pressures, and how to compose ourselves through all of it. We discovered how this works through 4 extremely helpful ways.
Coming to Cuddlist allows you to i...
Cuddler Keeley on Weekend Superhero Podcast's Professional Cuddler Keeley sits down with the hosts of the Weekend Superheros podcast to discuss the ever growing movement of Professional Cuddling and what drew her to the profession in the first place.
Take a listen!
Cuddler Keeley on Dr. Shoup show!'s Professional Cuddler Keeley sits down with Dr. Shoup to discuss her love for Professional Cuddling why this new alternative therapy is something to watch out for.
Take a listen!
Reintroduction to Touch: Platonic Touch, Celibacy & YOU!
In this episode of Cuddlist Talks, we explore the topic of rediscovering touch through platonic intimacy. Why we turn touch off in the first place and how we turn it back on through the 5 truths about touch.
Touch is universal
As long as you have skin you can touch!
Touch is essential for life
As an infant, you must receive touch in order to survive. This doesn’t change when we get older. Howev...
Ep 1: Building Better Relationships
In the first episode of Cuddlist Talks we explain the 3 ways in which we can improve ourselves and the relationships we have with others through the service of Professional Cuddling.
Slowing down
Cuddlist provides a container for safe meditation. Often we are told to go off and meditate or simply to do our own thing. However, we were not created to be alone. We were created to be with each other....
The Healing Power of Touch / Benefits of Nature Therapy
By Karen Schweiger
It is no secret that a pat on the back, a peck on the cheek or an embrace with another person can make us feel good. But experts now claim that a touch can do more than comfort – touch can heal!
Our skin is the largest organ of our body and is very responsive and sensitive. Even a gentle touch releases the hormone “oxytocin” – the feel-good hormone – which helps relieve stress, lessen anxiety, d...
Professional Cuddling Sees Client Increase During Holidays
Professional Cuddling has gone from a novelty to a respected form of physical therapy in just a few short years.
One of the reasons for this paradigm shift is the long-range vision of Cuddlist— a Professional Cuddling service founded by Adam Lippin and Madelon Guinazzo. Before Cuddlist, the Professional Cuddling industry was starving for a truly professional approach. Cuddlist pioneered a brilliant trai...
Let’s talk about intimacy. It’s that gross word your mother uses to ask you if you’re having sex, but remove sex completely from the picture for a second. defines intimacy as, “a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group.” Well, intimacy and consensual touch can now be bought and paid for.
Cuddling in order to heal psychologi...
Feeling Touched Is Feeling Better
by Corwin Duncan
The value of physical touch and how it makes us happier
"I need a hug."
"Kiss it and make it better."
"Just hold me."
We have probably all heard all of the phrases above. They are examples of asking for physical touch to feel better. Even the innocent phrase of a child 'kiss it and make it better' reflects how physical contact can make things, quite simply, feel better.
When I say physical touch...
by Dwight Okita
In geometry class they taught us, "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line." That made sense to me then, and it makes even more sense now. A straight line is the most direct connection. There are no detours or meandering.
I would go further to say, "The shortest distance between two people is a cuddle" because I think a cuddle is potentially the most direct connection between two peo...
7 Tips to Cuddle Like a Pro
Desiree N. Robinson
Cuddling, snuggling, embrace…there are so many ways to articulate how we can embrace another.
It is something that is done in families, amongst friends and even between romantic partners to express a variety of things from comfort, to support and even a way to tick someone off (I’m sure there are some siblings who can relate to a fierce “hug”). One of the best things about professional cuddling becomin...
9 Reasons I Love Cuddling
by Karen Schweiger
From the moment I discovered the power of touch decades ago, it remains on the top of my 'self-care' list and something I have chosen, that I will not do without.
For me, cuddling, hugging and touch are like air; without them, I wouldn't survive. Not very well, anyway. Limiting myself to share only nine reasons for my love of cuddling is going to be difficult and I'll confess that I considered adding a ...
by Patricia Black
When I heard about cuddling as a profession I was intrigued.
I’ve always enjoyed showing affection through touch. So when I heard that I could translate that natural inclination into work that I could share with people, I jumped in enthusiastically and became a professional cuddler.
Here are 10 things I’ve learned along the way:
Before my first session ...