Want to cuddle with Kassandra?
By submitting a request, you acknowledge and agree to our Code of Conduct and Terms of Use.
Session Rate: Sessions are $200 for 90 minutes. Sliding scale available. Request a session to learn more about rates and packages.
About Kassandra
Helping your body relax into nurturing, consensual touch is one of my favorite things to do. I love the relaxation and trust that flow especially when you take advantage of my coaching skills to let me support you in creating more ease, connection, harmony, and joy in your life and relationships. Your whole self – mind, body, emotions, and more – are welcome in our fun, sacred, and confidential cuddling sessions.
Our Cuddling sessions allow you a safe place to be held, be close, surrender, and let go while still being at absolute choice. One of our key agreements is that either one of us will speak up if at any time we are uncomfortable. It’s not only OK to ask for what you want and tell me what you don’t want, it’s a promise we make to each other.
I invite you to reach out, let me know a bit more about you, and begin to enjoy your body, touch, and connection.
Cuddling decreases stress hormones and increases feel-good hormones. You get both short-term and long-term benefits. Cuddling is good for relieving chronic pain and for relieving sypmtoms of trauma. Read those headings below for more information.
Short-term benefits include:
– increased relaxation and
– reduced pain.
Long-term benefits include:
– better sleep,
– more emotional stability,
– self-awareness and empowerment, and
– increased energy and reduced fatigue.
You will experience results like sleeping better, feeling more optimistic, trusting yourself and others, setting better boundaries, and having less drama in your relationships or your money back. Yes, that’s right. I offer a money back guarantee. Ask me about it when we talk.
Chronic Pain
When Cuddling your body relaxes signaling your brain that you are safe, relieving stress, and making you happier. Pleasure travels faster through your nerves than pain meaning that the pleasure of being stroked and held can directly reduce pain. Clients regularly tell me that both emotional and physical pain are reduced or eliminated during our sessions and for days afterwards.
In the words of one delighted client, “I want you to know how much I enjoyed our physical time cuddling and talking! Though nothing compared to the absolute zero pain I felt during our session, I have had 60-70% less pain since. I enjoyed everything – your touch, talking, getting deep into identifying and asking for what I wanted. Thank you!” ~ from M, a woman in her 40s who’d been experiencing chronic shoulder and neck pain for about 2 years.
Our Cuddling reduces stress and tension, helping you feel safe enough to stop fighting yourself and the stress of your life. This frees up energy you can use to work with your mind and body to integrate all of your experiences into a coherent narrative of your life. We look for the easiest things to do that will make the biggest changes in your life. Thus begins a positive cycle where you experience reduced stress, reduced pain, increased contentment, and increased empowerment. Click Request a Session to get started.
Some of my favorite people to work with are experiencing chronic pain or healing from traumatic experiences. Cuddling with coaching is a wonderful fit for healing chronic pain and trauma. Many of relationships great joys happen in states of passive surrender. Ideally you’re able to experience this closeness as pleasurable and feel surrender and trust. But if you have are in chronic pain or triggered into a trauma response, relaxing with another can be incredibly uncomfortable. What if instead of relaxed and safe you feel panic and avoidance? This is totally reasonable but can trap you in a downward spiral of loneliness and lack of connection.
Life Coaching
I’ve coached people on their health and relationships for over 6 years. Integrating cuddling with coaching is amazing. Doing both at the same time allows their effectiveness to skyrocket. Cuddling plus coaching is a proactive, therapeutic approach to increasing joy and ease in your life. Combining safe, consensual touching with holistic, life-coaching talking, we’ll create a new therapeutic experience that is both pleasurable and effective. It feels good in the moment and has long-lasting benefits.
Being listened to with compassion and curiosity for every aspect of you allows you to feel known like you’ve never felt known before and relieves your fear of the unknown within you.
I’ll invite you to notice what’s happening in your mind, body, and emotions. I’ll invite you to go as deep as you want and no deeper. I trust you and allow all of you, even the scared and angry parts, to have a gentle welcome. In this way you meet, hear, and integrate each experience.
“I feel stronger and more alive after our session. I want more of this.” From G, a male client in his 50s in daily pain 11 months after an automobile accident and surgery.
Cuddling with Kassandra is a way to break that negative spiral and learn the skills you need to connect safely with others.
When and where did you learn how to be in relationships? Your parents? School? TV? Porn? Personal growth workshops? Most of us have limited experience about how to connect with love, ease, joy, and trust. Many of us have relationships that are either numb and boring or dramatic, chaotic, and unsafe. Would you like to have safe, passionate relationships that feel wonderful year after year? I can help you learn the skills that allow you to do that.
The touch I offer is consensual, platonic touch. Clothing stays on. We shut the door on romance and open to the door to intimacy, sensuality, touch, cuddling, holding, pleasure, understanding, and compassion. I work with men, women, and non-binary people of all ages, abilities, and diagnoses.
In our time Cuddling and Coaching, we follow a Code of Conduct that includes:
– each of us agreeing not to do anything we are uncomfortable with at any time during our session (i.e. this is a time to practice enjoying touch you want rather enduring, tolerating, or putting up with touch you don’t want),
– you may end the session at any time for any reason (i.e. you are safe to leave and never trapped)
– our touch is platonic (i.e. no one is shamed or blamed for anything that arises yet we keep the focus on pleasurable, nurturing touch that is not intended to arouse).
Each session is completely about you.
Click Request a Session to get started.
Session information from Kassandra
Once you Request a Session I’ll reach out to you to make a time to talk. During our first conversation, we’ll get a feel for each other, answer any questions, and make sure we’re not strangers when we meet face-to-face.
We’ll start each session by creating clear boundaries for safety and empowerment, making sure we’re both clear on what you want out of our time together.
Cuddles happen on a comfy couch or a queen sized mattress on the floor. My dedicated cuddling room is simple and private. Lighting can be bright or dim as you choose.
I often play Deva Premal on Pandora. You’re always welcome to bring your own music or make requests.
Car parking is easy and free. An RTD stop is nearby.
If mobility or accessibility is an issue I can come to you and waive my usual travel charges. Please let me know of any special needs or requests in our initial phone conversation.
I have a cat and 5 steps leading up to my space. Let me know if allergies or accessibility are factors for you and we’ll get creative with alternative ways to meet, perhaps at your place, perhaps virtually.
Covid: I am a welcoming space for all clients regardless of vaccination status. I have a health screening and waiver I will ask you to sign before we meet the first time. I am not vaccinated and am happy to talk with you about the various steps I take to ensure both of our safety.
To get the most out of what you are looking for from your session, please review the Code of Conduct and view some Cuddlist videos.
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