By Adam Lippin
With Mother’s Day on the horizon, let’s take a look at 5 epic reasons why your mom/mummy/mommykins/mom-bot should have a session with a certified Cuddlist practitioner.
1) We all need a hug.
It’s been one of those days. You’ve done everything you can at work but still the boss insists on belittling you. Or the customers are just being super annoying and disrespectful. Or maybe you’re on Facebook and see that your ex is happily getting married when they told you that marriage was never an option for them. Or life, as it so often does, is being a jerk and is screwing everything up for no reason other than wanting to be a jerk.
It would be nice to just take a moment to breathe and feel at ease in the arms of one of our certified professional Cuddlists.
2) It’s healing.
Science has proven that when humans come together and touch for extended periods of time, the body releases ‘oxytocin’ which is known in the science world as the “bonding hormone”. This hormone reduces blood pressure and can also lower levels of anxiety and depression, helping you feel more connected to the world around you.
We all know just how much our mommies go through, so it would be nice to help reduce their stress or negative emotions in some way.
3) Your mom deserves it.
All the times that she put you before her, cooked for you, taught you how to use the potty, held your hand in the hospital. How she listened to you stress about finals, sent you money in college when you spent it all on partying, Chipotle and Drake concert tickets (just me?) Jokes aside, our mothers deserve the world and more. Seeing as we can’t give that to her – we can give her the next best thing. A beautiful and touching nuzzle with another individual.
As we have grown up, we have left the nest and gone our separate ways. We don’t always have time to rush home to mom and check in on her. It would be nice to know that you may not be there to give her that physical touch we all need, but somebody else, a professional and inviting person, can be there in our place.
4) Try something new.
In the words of my own mother: “But you haven’t even tried it yet. Just try it first. If you don’t like it, fine. But you can’t watch T.V until you try it.” This may not be the dinner table but the message is still the same: we all need to keep trying new things. Let’s face it, our mothers are getting on a bit (sorry mom, don’t kill me) and it’s probably been awhile since they had something new and exciting in their lives (sorry dad, don’t kill me). Booking a session with with a certified professional Cuddlist could be that fresh, novel thing that they may learn to love and share with their friends. Your mom and her cuddle sessions could be all the rage with her friends and Mrs Johnson’s new lemon cake recipe could totally be last week. #SorryNotSorry
5) We all need somebody to lean on.
Life can be hard and full of loneliness.No matter who you are, you’re going to need somebody to be there for you. The same goes for mothers. Mothers who are single, divorced or widowed can be missing out on this essential part of life. It can be hard for people to open up and be vulnerable around those that they know, but being with somebody who doesn’t know our past, our failures, our regrets, can make all the difference. Mothers instinctively feel the need to protect and in doing so can frequently forget that they too need to be looked after, to be loved… to be held.
Book your mom a session at
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